Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I am back with the bang

I used to write frequently which I thought to be a very effective medium to eject the thoughts on some issue and express myself instead of chatting and mingling with friends on the roadside which leads to a hot discussion without any conclusion in hand so blogging came to my mind which serves as an awesome platform to get the feedback of views.
And my idleness and joblessness (only in vacations ;)) urged me to give it a start, so here I am!!
Burning topics have always made me restless and only way to clam myself down is to express. Express the thoughts airing in my mind, making me uneasy and ungratified till they come out.
It’s a one way communication when you write but blogging gives you opportunity to refine your thought further and thus hear from others what they think on the subject and then..hmm..ponder upon it again..
So I would appreciate if people reading my blog also participate equally, I would be the happiest person to know your opinion..Cheers!!
Lemme start with the topic which has always provoked me to burst out

1 step away from execution

It obviously gives you a hint- capital punishment, you must have read on this, you must have debated on this but it leads nowhere since decisions are not made based on our arguments and agreements and so I strongly condemn this attitude of leaving a person alive who is accused and held on the charges of some heinous crime, it also raises question on the existing judicial system who weigh the seriousness of crime, India is always seen as a country who either plays a neutral role in any international issue or act on a defensive mode but this habit has always trapped the country into big problems, in one way, it’s very wise to stay neutral which avoids giving any indication of favor to any of the countries but this is preventing whole system to take firm decisions and it is also seen when it comes to national security.
Let’s make the point more clearer through an instance whenever a terrorist leader is captured, hell lot of charges are imposed, court process goes on for years, decision remains pending and gives enough time to extremist group to act in order to blackmail government by executing some plan which is harmful to nation in some way or the other and finally our government polite attitude towards them allows them to get away with the wanted, another plunder. Had it not been the case with system, it would be some other scenario and we would have not gone through all the atrocities and inhuman behavior which created tension all over and thus gives them another chance to dishonor our nation.
I don’t agree with all this processing coz it anyways is leading to our own loss and control is shifted to undesirable hands. People who don’t hesitate to kill someone else, why someone else who has the authority should hesitate to give them capital punishment, why don’t they finish the matter there itself, but it is stretched and thus result lies in front of you, what a shameful ending!!
It does not make any sense to me and I cannot discover any reason which is stopping judiciary to take some hardcore decisions which are very much mandatory keeping in view society’s and nation safety.
Is there any outside pressure which is making them reluctant or they cannot face international front by giving away such decisions, then what about Saudi Arabia which is known for its harsh punishments and thus been very successful in inducing the fear among people to commit any crime, strict and tough decisions have prevented people from doing wrong things and so..You can observe the difference.
Here I don’t cast aside the fact that political system of India and Saudi Arabia differs a lot but again I cannot see any impact of legislature on judicial system (though it’s there up to some extent) but after all it’s a issue of national security and nothing can be compromised for the same at any cost.
My time has passed thinking, in what way can this whole process be revolutionized and what method can be implemented which don’t allow the criminals to escape without bearing their part of punishment and recently I came across a article stating that decisions have actually varied along the time for the occurrence of same crime in the same situations, this again leaves me wondering about the whole thing again, truly “a vicious circle”.
Signing off


RaSh said...

A man kills another one, say because of some fight. Then the government kills the man on ground of murder.

The reason why this isn't done as easily it is said is simple: What difference is there in between the government & the killer? Tit-for-tat isn't appreciated by many, and Indians, as u rightly pointed out, tend to be the soft & forgiving types.

Also, since India is a democracy, one questionable step and you'll see people coming on the road, protesting, portraying the government as evil... The gov. needs to keep everyone happy, even human activists who won't let even a mass murderer get a death penalty!

I think there has to be stricter law, and such punishments, no matter how brutal they appear, should be given in assured cases. Harsh punishments will set an example, so next time someone will think twice before doing crime. Alas the gov cares more about staying in power than taking such radical decisions.

Anyway nice to see you bloggin!
Keep Posting!


Aman said...
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Aman said...

the point i tried to make not giving capital punishment, v r leaving a possiblity for another disaster coz u can never b sure that a mere imprisonment or nething lesser then capital punishment wud transform the convict and in that case, it poses the danger on national security at that moment, whom wud u call responsible, judiciary whu cudnt decide the deserved punishement or u'll blame ppl whu r so soft at their minds n hearts n whu will protest against death sentence unaware of the fact that wht might b d future implications..i'll give u d example,one person who was caught after jaipur serial blast was also engaged in blasts that were planned for Mumbai local its better to finish off d root den n dere..coz it can appear as a bigger threat later.
that's the only point, coz its better to sacrifice convict's life in front of ppl whu r mass murdered..

@ rasagy ..wud like to hear from u..

RaSh said...

I never said I'm against capital Punishment (Infact I've always favored it over Life imprisonment). But the views, like I wrote before, force me to sometimes think otherwise :)

A judge recently gave Life imprisonment instead of Death penalty saying It's worse than Death Penalty. Well yes, being left in a jail with no future is worse than just being killed (unless you are heading for hell) but thanks to the great judiciary (& Jail security), I wonder if someone actually spent his whole life in jail :D

I'm always in favor of stricter laws, coz thats the only way we Indians will follow rules. But I repeat, Death penalty should be given in assured cases. As we can already see everyday in news, tables turn in a sec, with diff people being accussed everytime. It'll be a shame if an innocent person got a death sentence.

Keep Blogging!